Pine2CE v1.1 :
The Pine2CE program, which has a simple graphical user interface, is a tool
for PCs that converts address books from the Pine mail reading system
(University of Washington)
to that of Microsoft Outlook 2003 and Sun Communications Express.
Version 1.1 now also generates an .ldif address book, suitable for
import into a range of email programs.
Pine2CE is available in both single-user format and in multi-user campus wide format.
Pine2CE has a built-in ftp driver for downloading the .addressbook file from
the server to the PC. Thus for ftp security each version is locked to a particular
campus/server or server/user.
Please see the install.txt file for installation details.
Running instructions are embedded in the GUI program.
Note, when ordering, "Server" refers to the server where the
Pine address book is stored, NOT the mail server itself.
Click on image to enlarge.
Pine2CE performs a number of transformation and tidying operations
on the address book, opens a spreadsheet to allow the user to
manually check and edit the tidied addressbook,
performs further transformations to convert this to
the required format for Communications Express, and then saves the
address book in .csv and .ldif forms.