ISIS Target Station 2, Rutherford Lab. Photo Progress Report 2008-06-06
Lab-Tools Research
After an ISIS user group committee meeting I was given the opportunity to look round the
ISIS Target Station 2 guide-hall.
Clicking on a photo takes you to a high-resolution version.
KIF 6562,3,4 TS2 external view
KIF 6424 display
KIF 6421 poster1
KIF 6422 poster2
KIF 6423 poster3
KIF 6428 36 TS2 Hall
KIF 6440 44 Wish internal
KIF 6445 47 Wish internal 2
KIF 6448 Wish chopper gap
KIF 6449 Wish guide take off
KIF 6450 Wish guide
KIF 6451 Offspec beam stop aperture
KIF 6452+3 Offspec internal 1
KIF 6454 56 Offspec internal 2
KIF 6458
KIF 6460,1 instrument rack
KIF 6462 pack em in tight
KIF 6463,5,6
KIF 6467
KIF 6469 74
KIF 6476 Sans2d
KIF 6481 Sans2d
KIF 6482 4 Sans2d external
KIF 6487
KIF 6489 wiring technician
KIF 6493 laser lattice 1
KIF 6501 laser lattice 2
KIF 6494 laser lattice 3
KIF 6495 laser lattice 4
KIF 6496 laser lattice 5
KIF 6498+99_Crane
KIF 6500_Crane safety operator
KIF 6502 Sans2d aperture jaws
KIF 6504+5 gas cylinder farm
KIF 6506 tight fit
KIF 6507 12 TS2 Hall L
KIF 6513 18 Let Nimrod Target2
KIF 6520 guide
KIF 6522 27 Let
KIF 6529 39 Nimrod+Target2
KIF 6549 Nimrod
KIF 6550 58 Nimrod internal R v2
KIF 6559 Nimrod diagram
Note ISIS also have live web-cam views on their site :
Photos © Dr. Beau Webber
, 2008, unless otherwise stated.